Thursday, February 26, 2009

MMU Theater Class Part 2

ahhh..Hari Khamis memang hari yang memenatkan untuk semester inie..
mane tak nyerr..kelas 4 jam straight from 4-8pm(Theater Class)..

Tapi macam biase..selalu nyer after kelas mesti letih gilerrr..tapi untuk hari nieh bukan takat letih je...siap dapat banyak injury lagi..adeh..saket2..

Nape leh jadik camtuh?..Sebabnyerr mase kami semua student theater diberikan satu activity yang diambil daripada permainan India (namanyer terlupa lah..hehe), di mana mase tuh kitorang dibahagikan sama rata ke sebelah kanan dan kiri..

OK, permainannyer camnieh, dalam 27 orang tuh kitorang dibahgikan 13 orang ke kiri dan 14 orang ke kanan and aku dalam group belah kanan..So, setiap orang daripada kami semua(kanan n kiri) kene go and touch on any part of our opponents' body kat sebelah side satu lagi..n then kene lari balik pergi ke side masing2 dengan syarat kene hold our breath n without being catch from semua orang yang kat opposite side tuh..(Isn't that crazy??..hahahah)..

Actually, aku boleh dikatakan leader lah untuk side aku nieh..(ehhehehe)..SO, mase kitorang dalam defensive side n perempuan Iraninan nieh on the attacking, aku try lari dari belakang die, then suddenly aku tak perasan yang aku tengah folding die punyer breasts..arghhh..seriously I wasn't intend to do it!!(Betul..korang plzzz la percayaaaa)..tapi jangan luper, Mr Manu Maniam(our Theater's Teacher) pernah kate,kalau sape2 yang masuk kelas theater tapi takut sangat kene pegang better drop!! team dapat 1 point sbbnyer die tak dapat lari..

Then, as the game goes on, n mostly points dapat catch orang adalah daripada aku..(hehehehe)<--yelah, aku yang create tactic n banyak back step opponent:)>..
Sekarang nieh, tibalah masanyer pulerr untuk giliran aku..hahaha..nampak sumer muke opponent memang nak tangkap aku jeee..(geram kee??..hahaha)..then biler aku pegi n dapat touch salah sorang daripada opponents aku tuh, aku lari balik,tapi mase kat tengah2 tuh dorang jatuhkan aku tapi mase tuh dah terlambat buat mereka sbb aku dah lepas garisan tengah..hahahahaha..

Yes!!tapi yang tak bestnyer lutut aku saket cket ar belah kanan n juge ade gak kat tangan kene cakar n juge butang baju aku tercabut..hahahaha..n paling kelakarnyerr,kasut aku siap tercabut lagi!!..wahahahaa

Lastly, team aku menang by 1 or 2 points..hehe..allez!!!!Overall, team kiri n team kanan have done a good job lah..kene bagi credits jugak kat team kiri tapi kene give some cheers kepada team kanan..wakakaka

OK, Selamat Malam!!..Mimpi Manis..:)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

BFM 89.9

OK, channel radio nieh maybe ade setengah orang drp u guys dah tau but some belum lagi..
takpe..biar aku citer cket pasal radio station nieh..

Ia adalah radio station 24 hrs and mostly focused on business dan juge isu-isu semasa..
Banyak giler lah citer pasal business2 nieh dan juga termasuklah marketing and financing sekali..(Sound Boring??)..Maybe lah kot for u guys yang tak berapa minat bende2 camnieh..especially stock market reports..hehehehe

Tapi takpe, bukan 24 hrs citer pasal business pon..ade gak some issues yang best2 dan juge lagu2 yang dipasang sumer2 nyer best2..Satu lagi perkara yang best pasal radion station nieh ialah dorang menggunakan english language yang formal..So it's good lah kalau nak improvekan english especially grammar..:)

Seperkara lagi, <--lame tak guna ayat nieh since form5) kalau kiter dengar let just say Hitzfm, dorang guna street english(with no offence to jj n rudi and the other dj's) tapi actually dorang punyer english memang perfect tapi just for malaysians dorang saje ar cakap2 camtuh tapi dorang memang boleh cakap betul2 english pon..tapi untuk sape2 yang nak betulkan lagi english lagi bagus lah kalau kiter dengar yang formal..hehehe

haihh, I'm doing a free promotion for BFM..cis cis cis..haha..btw, one of the interviewers for BFM tuh my takpelah..hahah

ok, do listen to it!!bye!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Ok well,

Some of u might have known about the title here (Geni) but some haven't..
(What is Geni??)

When, i was googling my dad's name,{saje suke2 dah boring} where I found lots of things about my dad's opinions and even some interviews..{Congrates abah!!), I also found my great grandfather's name on this website called Geni..{I was thinking who put his name on it..}It was my mom actually after I had a looked at the website..

OK, u can find the website here ('s actually the same thing like any other website in finding friends, relatives or whoever,but,one thing that really applauds and makes me appreciates about this website is u can create a Family Tree..
(So, what's the difference..other people also can add me!!..y do I have to choose Geni where I can search them in oth websites like Friendster)

No!!You're Wrong!!....
Firstly, only people who share the same blood as urs will get into this tree..
(what do u mean by that??)
They will have to request from u to get the approval to be somewhere in the tree..
Well of course it will be easier if u're the only one who managed the tree, instead of many people in the tree create their own..But,if u want to make a profile of urs is better because u can create a family tree with ur husband's or wife's sides..

And to make this more (Interesting!!)), u can start by creating the first ascendant,for example,the latest ascendant that u know, like ur great great great grandfather or grandmother and start the flow descending until it reaches u or even below than u..:P:)

Well, I know it's kinda hard to find..I mean in our generation,It's so difficult to find a person who knows lots on his/her ascendant..
(and above that includes me!!):)<---I only put my dad and mama as my latest ascendant..<---How Bad Are U!!(What did u get for History in Spm??)<---Well only b, it's that so bad mr anonymous??

And do u guys know why I really love my mom??It's because she had put lots of our family members including both from her sides and my dad's sides!!Mom, I love u so much for this!!!!(Nak mintak duit belanje cakap jelah takyah puji2!!)<----grrrrrr

Hope u will enjoy doing and finding ur cousins or any family member that can be put inside ur tree..(Remember to put the Latest Ascendant that u know!! and don't be like this blogger where he knows only his parents as his latest ascendant)..<----saye malas lahh....


Thursday, February 19, 2009

MMU Theatre Class


Baru je abeh kelas theater pada pukul 8 malam tadi..letih tol..
Bukan class in a week for 4 hours instead of 2 hours macam subject2 len..hmmh tapi takpe..kelas abeh mid of this semester..Yey!!

Btw, tadi aku gan 2 org lagi group members aku (nak mention name korang ke??)<--yela2
iaitu arip n vishnu<--ye die indian(saye tak racist!!)..We all kene buat drama along with oth groups which our drama is about a fake detective n da real detective and also the witnesses.Letih tol nak hafal script, tapi setelah diberikan motivation yg memberangsangkan oleh 2 orang group members aku, aku berjaya melakukannya selepas beberapa kali rehearsal..lolx..

But,basically,aku satisfied enough lah dengan story die, dan 2 orang lagi pelakon tuh..begitu juge dgn seorang supporting actor(yeye aku mention name kau kat cnie)fazley..

Pada 14 dan 15 March nieh, kitorag sumer yang amek theater class akan pergi ke Istana Budaya untuk beraksi..All of us will be given a choice whether mau jadi Director, Script-Writer or an Actor..tapi cam mane pon kene berlakon jugak walupun director..haha best2!!<---(budget Clint Eastwood ar??)!!..haha memang pon nak jadik cam die kalau boleh..:P

Ok, bye2

Monday, February 16, 2009

Penghisap Rokok!!!!

Selamat Senja...

Pada hari malam semalam, aku dengan member aku pegi KLIA amek abang aku..
Then, while we're waiting for my bro, we saw this two girls..sorang with tudung n sorang lagi tak bertudung..tapi if I make a comparison, I'll choose the one yg bertudung tulah coz nampaknyer lagi cun daripada sorang lagi tuh..:P:P

Ok fine..<---amek ayat tutor aku..(die salu gune ayat nieh tol tak nurrrul?..lolx) Suddenly, minah yang x bertudung nieh pergi kat sorang mamat nieh die tengah sap rokok..aku ingat minah tuh nak tanye jalan ke ape...then, tibe2 nampak mamat tuh bagi lighter kat minah tuh,die pon light ar rokok die pe lagi..<---giler stalker sume pergerakan namapk)..((Mane taknyer..dorg berdiri betul2 sebelah keter gue))!!
Tapi, yang terkejutnya, the girl yang bertudung tuh pon teros keluarkan rokok die n light jugak...!!!!!WTH????<----Wat Da Heaven!!!!

Aku panas..memang panas..aku usha je dorg bagi dorg malau, tapi tak malu2 gak n still continuing their smoking!!!!Bitch!!<---selepas mintak opinion nurrrul)....
Tapi sempat jugaklah amek gambar minah tudung tuh tgh hisap rokok..tapi gue tak upload yang nampak mukeee yerrr..nanti takot kene saman lak.,..ahhahah

Enjoy Looking and Copying!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ayah Siti Nurhaliza Meninggal Dunia

Ayah kepada Siti yang bernama Tarudin Ismail telah menghembuskan nafas terakhir pada jam 11.50 pagi tadi di Hospital Ampang Puteri. Bapanya yang baru sahaja menjalani pembedahan heart bypass surgery, menampakkan keadaannya bertambah critical sejak semalam.

Jenazah ayahnya akan disembahyangkan die kediaman Siti dan suaminya di Bukit Antarabangsa, Ampang.


Disgusting gilerrrr ar mamat arab nieh..adoi...kenapa leh jadik camnieh pak Syeikh oi!!!??

(taulah byk Kala Jengking kat sane...!!tapi jangan ar sampai nak pupuskan die pulakkk..:P)

Play je...Worth Watching It!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sabtu and Ahad

Sabtu dan Ahad adalah hari yg amat membosankan, ini kerana saye tidak dapat pulang ke hometown.

(habis tuh apasal tak balik jee??)

Sebab utama ialah parents saye dan juga 2 nenek saye pergi ke Kelantan untuk merisik bakal tunang abang saye..Jadinyerr, saye plan untuk balik ke hometown minggu depan sajelah..

(lagipon ade project besar nak buat gan member2 gombak nieh..kih kih)

Pasal ape project tuh jangan risau..saye akan cube postkannyer dalam blog nieh nanti..


At last, dapat gak aku letak favicon..weeee
setelah lame gilerrrr aku tak tidur semata-mata nak buat itu je
tapi memang worth it laaa

Regarding My Blog Title

Well, Well, Well....Welcome!!

Let me tell u something, the title that I put actually doesn't has anything to do with me of not having an idea of what should I put. I've got this title's name when I was searching for pretty names for blog..:) sadly, I can't find any of them which can be suited to be my blog's title. Instead I found this Spanish drama name which called Play Without a Title or Untitled Play. The drama is an unfinishedexperimental play by the Spanish twentieth-century modernist playwright Federico García Lorca. Lorca conceived the work as a three-act drama and had referred to it by the title The Dream of Life[1] (echoing, perhaps, Calderón's classic Golden-Age comedy Life is a Dream), but he completed only the first act. Lorca's play was probably written in 1935, but remained unpublished until 1978; it received its Spanish-language première in 1989 at the Teatro María Guerrero in Madrid, in a production directed by Lluís Pasqual.[2]

This is what u'll get based on copy and paste work!!..:)

Yes!, this is my second blog as I've deleted the first one actually..!!Anyway for u guys who're still feeling curious of whose this guy really is , my name is Shahzlan Laili and I'm studying in MMU Cyberjaya. My age is 21, I have two siblings and I'm the youngest..

Last but not least, <-----and that's for sure:) I really hope u guys can be active here in my blog..
Time Kaseh!!:)